Terms & Conditions

Domain Management

The domain is managed for the client by ticinoWEB. The domain belongs to the customer and the customer has the right to transfer the domain at any time beyond any payment dispute. The domain does not include the Web Server or the email Server where, in case, there are outstanding payments, these cannot be transferred until the balance of the same.


All our services are protected by the highest degree of security and are regularly updated to keep up with changes. EV and DV SSL certificate included.


Backup of all your data every 24h on servers physically located in another datacenter and kept for 7 days. In case of need for recovery and restoration, we will take care of it for you.


If your company is in Ticino, one of our technicians will personally come (for an extra fee) to your location to install email addresses on your computers and show you how they work. If you are outside Ticino, this support takes place remotely.

Limitation of liability

a) The Customer retains full ownership of the materials supplied by him (with “materials” we mean, by way of non-exhaustive example: texts, logos, trademarks, images, audiovisuals, documents, graphics, diagrams, projects, etc. ), whether they are also sensitive or personal, assuming all responsibility for their content and their management, with the express exemption of ticinoWEB from any responsibility and burden of verification and / or control in this regard.

b) ticinoWEB therefore, while making every effort to ensure that this does not happen, cannot be held responsible in any case for the use of data, delivered and / or requested by the Customer, which were, without the knowledge of ticinoWEB itself, covered by the right of author.

c) The Customer uses the services at his own risk, ticinoWEB is not liable to any party for legal / civil or administrative disputes, indirect, specific, incidental, punitive, cautionary or consequential damages (by way of example but not exclusive: damages in case of inability to use or access services, loss or corruption of data, profits, customers, image damage, business interruptions or the like), caused by the use or inability to use the services and based on any hypothesis of liability including breach of contract, negligence, or other, even in the event that ticinoWEB has been advised of the possibility of such damage and in the event that a clause provided for in this contract has not remedied.

d) ticinoWEB cannot be held responsible for brief malfunctions of the services, caused by technical problems on servers, internet, hackers, etc.

e) ticinoWEB cannot guarantee the Customer secure income deriving from the exploitation of the services provided.

f) If a limitation, exclusion, restriction or other provision contained in this contract is deemed void for any reason whatsoever by an arbitrator or a competent court and ticinoWEB consequently becomes liable for loss or damage, such liability, in the contractual stage , civil or otherwise, cannot exceed the list price applied by ticinoWEB for the type of service sold.

g) ticinoWEB guarantees total discretion and confidentiality in the processing of sensitive customer data.

h) ticinoWEB reserves the right to suspend the service in case of serious delay in payments.

i) ticinoWEB refrains from promoting activities that trade eroticism, pornography, smoking, drugs, CBD, cannabis derivatives, antidepressants, night clubs and activities that promise easy money, scams or any type of organized crime. TicinoWEB does not promote any activity that it deems harmful to society and the individuals who live there.

l) The penalty for early cancellation of the contract is 10% of its annual value.

m) No refunds are made

o) The figures relating to the volume of audience reached by promotional campaigns and which are reported in the contracts are estimated figures and can vary widely in excess or shortage

m) The agreements contained in this section (3) are valid now and for all future agreements between the customer and ticinoWEB, whether verbal or written.

Service packages

The minimum charge per support call is 20 minutes.
Time spent on the phone with the customer and time spent administering the hours on the assistance package is also counted as assistance.

Payment delays

In the case of extensive payment delays (more than 2 weeks) ticinoWEB reserves the right to suspend service, not only the service for which payment is overdue, but any service at ticinoWEB that ticinoWEB deems necessary to suspend in the case of excessive payment delays for any service.

Sensitive data

In accordance with the Privacy Act, ticinoWEB is committed to ensuring maximum confidentiality and protection of sensitive customer data.

All information transmitted by customers to ticinoWEB is treated with the highest degree of care and discretion.
We assure that such data will not, under any circumstances, be sold, transferred or disclosed to third parties of any nature or kind, thus fulfilling our commitment to the protection of our users’ privacy.

The trust and security of our clients are of paramount importance to us, so we take all necessary measures to protect sensitive information entrusted to us.

Social and Google Campaign Management

ticinoWEB cannot be held culpable before the law for bona fide losses due to mishandling of the customer’s Credit Cards during the administration of Social or Google accounts such as may be a wrong payment or advertising budget management.

ticinoWEB undertakes, but does not guarantee to keep accurate and secure management of the client’s Social and Google accounts so that the investment results in maximum feedback for the benefit of the client.

Additional Notes on Terms and Conditions

ticinoWEB reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time without notice.

The customer undertakes for the sum established by this contract and accepts this as recognition of debt pursuant to art. 82 LEF, for the amount indicated above. In the event that the company is in default, the person who signs the contract recognizes the debt in the same way personally and under the same conditions as the company.

Hosting prices are subject to slight changes annually. These changes are made without the customer being notified in advance. These changes without prior notice cannot exceed 10% of the payment value. For changes exceeding 10% the customer is notified in advance.

Hosting contracts automatically renew without notice. The customer can give cancellation at any time within 3 months after the automatic renewal of the same.

Online marketing advertising contracts also automatically renew but with notice from the consultant through phone call or personal contact. They can be terminated within 3 months of renewal agreed upon with their advisor.