Let’s save the world! We use services such as GE.AM.Srl to recycle waste of any kind.
And with great pride today we put their new website online.

Ge.Am.Srl is a service company that carries out the activity of brokering special hazardous and nonhazardous waste, without holding waste. Ge.Am.Srl is registered with the National Register of Environmental Managers in Cat. 8 at Class E (greater than or equal to 3,000 tons/year and less than 6,000 tons/year) and has started the paperwork for its expansion.
Ge.Am.Srl avails itself of a team with twenty years of experience both in the field of consultancy and in that of logistics and disposal by carrying out a 360 ° service and technical consultancy to companies in the field of waste recovery and disposal. Even though it is a recently established company Ge.Am.Srl can count, within its staff, of highly specialized figures and many years of experience in the world of waste.