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web designer locarno, lugano, bellinzona

Strengthening Corporate Goals for the New Year.

pubblicità aziendale per la crescita

The start of the new year gives us the right energy to launch ourselves toward the realization of new business goals . We have been munching, drinking, stepping back from the mess that sometimes constitutes the world of work and business, and now we are ready for new challenges.

Here is what we can tell you based on our experience as a marketing agency:

There is one thing you cannot neglect, and that is your marketing. It is about the advertising campaign that makes you known, that reminds people of you, that makes sure that when someone has a problem they think of you and not others.

What is the purpose of keeping your marketing on a high level?

  • Launching a new product or service, launching a new business, or entering a new territory, advertising is about making yourself known and measuring what kind of advertising works and on what channels.
  • In times of crisis, advertising is the only thing that can save you and ensure that your business survives. When others fall they still leave a clientele that will continue to demand service, from where? If you are present in the market this where you could be.
  • In times of normal operations, advertising is used to keep the level of business on the rise – because before to get to that level you were already using a lot of advertising, weren’t you?

Here is a list of channels where you should be present: which ones to choose depends on your industry.

  • Your website, with rich content that lets visitors know exactly what you offer and what sets you apart from the competition
  • Social media channels of your choice, with regular posts updating your audience on what you are doing
  • Be present on the Internet: Google and other similar sites, online magazine articles.
  • Paid ads in Google Search and other Google surfaces that will get you in front of potential new customers
  • print advertising in newspapers and magazines, if you can be the subject of an article that’s even better
  • billboard advertising, both on paper and digital screens. This means being out on the streets, in parking lots and reminding people of your products/services.
  • We do not neglect posters at soccer fields and construction sites.
  • and there are several uncategorized surfaces where your logo and message can appear, whether it is the back of a receipt or a frame on a restaurant tablecloth, promotional gadgets, the company’s illuminated sign, and so on
  • Of course, don’t forget to brand your company cars.
  • radio and television ads can give satisfactory returns on investment, but they are highly dependent on the industry

As you can see, the choice is wide and we, as a marketing agency, strongly recommend that you choose a few and BE PRESENT. BE VISIBLE on your chosen medium. We can help you on each of these points.

And don’t be discouraged by any conservative advice from your accountant: if you need to cut costs, advertising is certainly not the place to start! Advertising is the way to grow, to be present, and to capture a larger and larger portion of the market.

How exactly to do this? Exactly which channels to use? Reflect according to your business goals and the profile of your company. If you need help making these decisions, our consultants are ready to meet with you and discuss your plans to help you choose the best way to achieve them.